We are the Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence (DAMI) Lab at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute led by Yao Ma. Our research lies in social computing, data mining, and machine learning, especially social network analysis, deep learning on graphs, and knowledge graphs.
Pictures from RPI’s Website.
The DAMI Lab is growing. We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Master students, and undergraduate stduents to join the team (more info) !
We are grateful for funding from NSF, Shell, RPI and Katana Graph.
One preprint is avaliable now!
02/2025Three preprints are avaliable now!
01/2025Two papers on graph data vaulation accepted by ICLR 2025.
01/2025One paper accepted by NAACL 2025.
11/2024One paper accepted by LoG 2024.
06/2024Liangliang received a student travel award to attend KDD2024. Congratulations!
05/2024We are presenting a tutorial on Safe Multi-Modal Machine Learning at KDD 2024.
Hongliang joins AT&T Labs as a summer research intern. Congratulations!
05/2024Three papers accepted by KDD 2024. One survey is accepted by KDD 2024.